4 Steps To Getting Unhooked When You Or Your Clients Are Stuck!
As a coach, I sometimes struggle to accept my client where they are and want to force a change of their current situation. I call those moments of rejecting the present moment being hooked.
Being hooked stops us from doing our best work as a coach.
This FREE guide will show you a reliable way out of stuckness and back into ease, flow, and possibility once again. Stop wasting energy when you or your clients can’t accept their current situation.
Get instant access to Unhook Yourself
This is my #1 tool for creating powerful coaching conversations. Completely free for you.
Spot Hooks FASTER
You'll become better at noticing when you or your clients are hooked sooner, so less time is spent in stuckness.
Interrupt The Hooks
You'll learn how to pause, unpack and unhook from the thoughts and feelings fueling the stuckness.
Become Free & Empowered
You'll learn how to return to a grounded state and able to make empowered decisions from the present moment again.