Do What You’re Here to Do: Unleash Your Awesome

You're in the right place.

And you found your way here because of that voice. The one inside — not just in your head, somewhere deeper — that keeps repeating one thing.

You're here for more.

Maybe you've been ignoring it. It's a scary proposition, being here for something bigger. Some might even call it arrogant.

Who are you to declare that you’re special, that your purpose is world changing?

What if you take action and never reach your purpose, no matter how hard you try?

You try to look away but, still, it's there. An ache that calls to you. That nags you.

Maybe you've begun to heed its advice and stepped into something greater. You launched your own business or took on a bigger mission. And now the world is throwing roadblocks up in front of you. All the habits and patterns that used to keep you safe are now getting in the way. Doubts don’t just creep in, they take stage front and center. At first you just thought it was everyone else — the naysayers and circumstances — getting in your way but now you realize it's you.

You know there is another way. But it's still scary. You're still uncertain.

Maybe you're somewhere in the middle. Humoring the voice, letting yourself dream of where it might take you but not quite daring to take the first step. Here, your confusion wins the day. Here, you realize might be the most painful place to be. Stuck in between moving and resting. Waiting for a nudge in the right direction.

But hiding and waiting won’t make it go away — the voice, the ache. Nothing will. Except owning it. Claiming it.

You’re here for a reason.

You’re here for more.

All that success you’ve achieved, the money, the awards and recognition that you kept striving for, keeps getting you to the same place: A race to the top in someone else’s race.

It’s time to run a different race.

It’s time to make your impact on the world.

I coach people (I call them leaders) who are here for more than what following the normal path gets them, who are ready to stop living the life they thought they were supposed to live — that winds up empty no matter how much they accomplish — and to start creating the impact they’re here to create. I call it unleashing your awesome.

You feel what I mean, don’t you?

Our Work Together

Together, we’ll look in the spots you’ve been scared to look. We’ll uncover your superpowers, both in the light and the shadows, and we’ll help you use them to their greatest potential. We’ll bring clarity to your purpose so that you wake up every day choosing how to make your mark. You’ll make a bigger impact everywhere you go. And your life will change, too, in every facet.

We might choose to create:

  • A life defined by fully stepping into your purpose and creating the impact you’re here to make in the world

  • Greater intimacy and connection with the people you love, rather than avoiding what’s uncomfortable

  • Clarity into what’s right here for you to enjoy in this moment, along with what’s next for you to take on

  • Love for every frustrating, annoying part of yourself and acceptance of your fundamental goodness

  • Fuller expression of who you’re here to be, despite the fear (that’s present either way) and whatever has held you back before

  • Trust in yourself and the Universe, no matter what comes

This work isn’t easy. But it’s worth it. It’s what you’re here for. (Trust me, you got this.)

What Others Have Said

“The greatest gift of our coaching time was realizing, when I had walked away from so much, Matt helped me look towards what I was walking into instead. Within just a couple of months of starting our sessions, I was on an entirely new work path, growing friendships, and learning plenty of new things. I highly recommend coaching to anyone trying to be the best human they can be. I highly recommend Matt for anyone looking for a coach that will both support and challenge you.” - Rebecca W.

“Working with Matt was a life changing experience. I grew both personally and professionally more than ever before. I am now more confident and mindful. Working with him gave me the confidence to start my own business. Matt has a gift for helping people listen to their inner voice. I highly recommend working with him!” - Kristen M.

“Working with Matt was a profoundly important experience. My life, my work, and my relationships are improved. These improvements have been realized because of an improved ability to choose in the face of challenges, in the form of both external circumstances as well as well-worn inner patterns of seeing, experiencing, and relating to life. And these improvements I attribute to my work with Matt. Matt consistently brings a combination of unconditional acceptance and support and a steady courage and willingness to challenge. Combined with his insight, sincerity, and sense of humor, the coaching experience was fun, raw, and ultimately life-changing.” - Gabe C

Our Investment Together

The scale of our work will be revealed by what best serves you right now. What doesn’t scale is the commitment required. Changing the world doesn’t come lightly. But you already knew that.

Committing to making the impact you’re here to make requires the courage and strength to step through fear, the creativity and willingness to make the impossible possible, and a sense of humor to handle it all. You’ll dance on your edges and grow far beyond them.

When you work with me, I play full out in service of you, too, testing my own edges. That’s my commitment.

Our engagements might include:

  • 2-3 one-on-one coaching sessions each month

  • Daylong retreats to articulate your purpose and how you’ll bring it to the world

  • Conferences, intensives, and courses to deepen your practice

  • Introductions to, and meetings with, my network of changemakers

  • Email, text, and spot coaching support

  • Having fun and getting messy as a requirement

My clients generally commit to 6-12 months of work together and make a financial commitment between $5,000 and $40,000.

Whenever you’re ready — which is now because we’re never ready — let’s talk.

If you’re not there yet, that’s OK, too. Sign up for my email list and let’s stay in touch. I’ll be here.